Friday, February 19, 2016

2. The Era Of A New Stick-Man

 I got about 3 pages into Blade and then I stopped for a year and a half. Why? I have no idea.
After reading some more comics and watching T.V shows, I discovered a new kind of Stick-man. This is the Rectangular-bodied Stick-man.

I most definitely did not make up this style, who knows who has? It has been around for ages and many many comic writers have used, and still use, this type of Stick-man. I am just going to call this type of Stick-man the "Advanced Stick-man" because it is.

Notice how there isn't much of a difference, but the 2nd one still looks better? That rectangle body just fits better than the stick body, the Stick man now has a chest, shoulders and hips. And that does indeed make them better.

So, after experimenting with the Advanced stickman for a little bit I started writing a new book and temporarily left Blade alone. 
The cover lies, this is the ONLY Ksuki chronicles book, because it was so violent that I couldn't bring myself to write another one. I'm pretty sure that unless that is a last name in some Asian country or something, I made this word up. It is pronounced "Ki-Soo-Kee" because I said it is. 
I won't go into depth on this story in this chapter, just know for now that this is book has the first time I used Advanced Stick-figures.
(A man is being hunted in the woods, their goal is to cut the tail off of the back of his head, because the tail gives him power)
I used an effect in Paint to get rid of all the red pen I used :P blech!
So now if we compare this to blade, how much better does this look?
Well, the Format is still the same, but the characters now have 3D perspective shots that actually look okay. The Art is definitely improving right?
So, for those of you who that say "I can only draw stick-figures" I recommend that you try to further that talent, just like I did.


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